Fashion Industry : Learn About The Fashion Industry

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What is the Fashion Industry?  And where are the best places to learn about the fashion industry.

According to wikinvest, the fashion industry can be divided into five segments:

  • haute couture, luxury, affordable luxury, mainstream, and discount. Haute couture is the most expensive and exclusive of the segments. It is made up of a handful of companies which produce custom-made clothing for the world's wealthiest individuals.
  • The luxury segment is a step down in terms of quality and price, but still serves a wealthy clientele.
  • Affordable luxury targets "aspirational" consumers, those who are not rich enough to afford luxury brands but will accept lower-priced alternatives.
  • The goal of mainstream brands is mass appeal; they sacrifice an air of exclusivity for popularity.
  • Discount brands cater to low-income consumers.

Although we agree with much of the Wikinvest analysis, we believe the fashion industry can be divided into many more segments.  In fairness to wikinvest, they are a financial industry resource.  We on the other hand are a fashion industry resource.  It is only natural that we would break down the industry into additional categories.  Although we will not specify them all on this page, we believe that modeling, beauty, jewelry, and several other key categories should fall under the fashion industry umbrella.



Top Fashion Websites

Fashion Job Search
Fashion Newspaper
Fashion Press Release
Lifestyle Fashion Brands

Here are a few more fashion industry links of possible interest:

Apparel Magazine
Clothing Model Directory
Fashion Books
Fashion Calendar
Fashion Salad blog
Designer Search 

Apparel Retailer
Apparel Wholesaler
Apparel Manufacturer
Fashion Industry Network
Fashion Industry Search
Fashion Industry Calendar
Fashion Week Videos
Celebrity Fashion Photos

We hope that this section has helped you learn more about the fashion industry.

Image Source : Fashion Week Photos
The Wall Street Fashion website is being developed so that we can all learn and discuss the elements that link the fashion industry to the financial industry.

When we use the term Wall Street on our website it is not always simply in reference to the street in New York.  It is a more general term to include the entire financial industry.

Learn more about the fashion industry by reading fashion news.


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